Fort Bend MUD 128 – Water Conservation

Water Conservation does not require you to dramatically change your lifestyle overnight, but it does require each of us to become more aware of how and why we are using our water. Even as we come to a close of summer and children return to school, high temperatures will continue through September and into October. Below are some simple suggestions from Fort Bend Municipal Utility District 128 (Fort Bend MUD 128) to assist you in helping conserve water for our community.

Household Tips:

Check and Inspect:

Thoroughly check and inspect all your pipes, hoses, faucets and even appliances for any type of leaks. The smallest leak can easily result in 1000s of gallons of wasted water.

Lifestyle Habits:

One of the biggest habits to adopt is turning off the water while doing daily hygiene tasks such as brushing teeth, washing hands, shaving, etc. By turning off the water during just one of those habits, the average home can conserve 2,000 plus gallons of water each year.

Dishwasher Efficiency:

Most conventional dishwashers use between 7 to 14 gallons of water per load. A water-efficient dishwasher uses only 4.5 to 7 gallons of water per load. A second way to conserve water is to only run your dishwasher with a full load of dirty dishes. Whether you run one dish or a full dishwasher the same amount of water is being used each time you run it.

Another water-efficient appliance you can investigate is your clothes washing machine. On average your normal washing machine will use upwards of 10,000 gallons of water each year. A high-efficiency washer machine uses between 30% to 50% less water per load. That equals nearly 5,000 gallons of water each year.

Watering Your Lawn

The best way to maintain a healthy lawn is to water it deeply and infrequently. A thorough watering once or twice a week is better than frequent, light sprinkling.

Plan to water your lawn at least once a week (but no more than three times) for about an hour to give your lawn an inch of moisture. Measure water with a rain gauge or place a tuna can under your sprinkler system to catch water. The can is about an inch high, so once it’s full, you’re done watering. You can measure the depth of the water by how easy it is to push a dowel or screwdriver into the earth to the proper depth: too hard – water deeper; too easy – you may be overwatering your lawn.

Make sure the irrigation system is doing its job. Uniform watering can help avoid brown spots and keep the turf healthy from root to tip. Check the irrigation system weekly to make sure each section of the turf is being supplied with the appropriate amount of water.

To ensure your lawn gets the most possible water, follow these tips for how often to water your lawn in the summer:

  • Be respectful of water restrictions if present in your community.
  • The best time to water your lawn in the summer is in the early morning hours, ideally before sunrise, or late in the evening after sundown. This way, the water has a chance to soak in before the sun dries it out.
  • Carefully place your sprinkler or hose to avoid watering the street and sidewalks. This is just a waste of water.
  • Monitor the watering to make sure that certain areas aren’t becoming too saturated.
  • Don’t forget to account for rain when watering your lawn. If you have had an especially rainy week, you won’t have to water your lawn as much – or at all, if the ground is still moist. Rainwater is always better than processed water for your lawn!
  • If you have an irrigation system adjust your timers as the weather changes and inspect for damaged or leaking heads.

Outdoor Tips:

Yard Maintenance:

Early in the morning and late in the evening are the two best times to water your yard. When watering in the middle times of the day, we increase the rate of evaporation due to the hotter temperatures. Two more ways to conserve water this spring is to eliminate as many weeds as possible and add mulch to all our flower beds. These two things will work together to conserve water for your home. Weeds are known to steal water away from your other plants, so by simply removing weeds, you will not have to water your plants and flowers as often.

Pool Maintenance:

There are a few simple ways that residents can conserve water when it comes to the pool. First, examine your autofill hardware and setting on a monthly basis. Be sure to check for leaks that would cause your pool to fill unnecessarily. Secondly, clean all pool filters as regularly as possible to prevent unnecessary backwashing. Backwashing can use up to 1000 gallons of water each time it occurs. Lastly, if possible, cover your pool/hot tub when not in use to prevent evaporation.

Just remember, water conservation is a lifestyle choice that we all can make. By simply adding one of these small steps to our daily routines we can save gallons of water each year. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the district through our website’s “Contact Us” page.

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Beware of Alligator

The District wants to inform residents of the presence of an alligator in the ponds. As the temperature rises, we want to warn against swimming and fishing in the ponds.

There has been a recent confirmed alligator sightings in the ponds. The Board is not taking any action to remove the alligator but wants residents to be aware of the sightings. The district wants to remind residents to treat all wildlife with respect. Feeding, harassing, injuring, or removing wildlife, including alligators, is against the law. Remember that they’re an important part of Texas’s natural history, as well as an integral part of many wetland ecosystems.

Stay safe around alligators by following these rules:

Do not feed or harass alligators. The District advises against feeding or offering food, including fish or bait, to alligators.

Other tips:

  • Retreat: always keep at least 30 feet away from alligators. If you get too close, back away slowly. Do not assume that alligators are slow and sluggish. They are extremely quick and agile and will defend themselves when cornered. They rarely chase people, but they can outrun or outswim the fastest person for the first 30 feet.
  • Hiss: If an alligator hisses, it’s warning you that you are too close. Back away slowly.
  • Protect: A female protecting her nest or young may charge if you get too close but will quickly return to the nest after you leave. Avoid piles of twigs, grasses and/or soil near the side of the lake. Also avoid any group of small alligators under a foot long.
  • Bask: Alligators often bask along the banks of ponds or streams. They are usually warming their bodies; they are not actively hunting. Often a basking alligator will have its mouth open. It is cooling itself, as alligators do not pant or sweat.
  • Pets: Pets are the size and shape of common alligator prey. Keep them away from the water’s edge and on leashes that are no longer than 6 feet. Do not leave your pet unsupervised. Alligators have a keen sense of smell. Your pet will be curious, and the alligator may see it as an easy food source.

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Do’s and Don’ts

  • Don’t kill, harass, bother, or try to move alligators. A provoked alligator is likely to bite.
  • Don’t feed or entice alligators. When fed, alligators overcome their natural shyness and become accustomed to or attracted to humans.
  • Do tell others that feeding alligators creates problems for those who want to use the water for recreation.
  • Don’t remove an alligator from its natural habitat or accept one as a pet. It is a violation of state law to do so. You cannot tame an alligator, and even small ones may bite. Never go near baby alligators or pick them up. They may seem cute and harmless, but mama alligator is nearby, and will protect her clutch.
  • Keep alligators a safe distance (at least 30 feet) from you.

Fort Bend MUD 128 – “Flushable Wipes” Are Not Flushable!

Disposable items labeled as “flushable” such as “flushable wipes”, wet wipes, sanitary napkins, and/or paper towels cannot be flushed down the toilet safely. When these items are flushed down toilets into the sanitary sewer system, they contribute to many sewer blockages in the wastewater infrastructure. This leads to frequent and expensive repairs, which ultimately raise water bills for district residents.

Branded companies will lead a person to believe numerous items are flushable, particularly stating so on the packaging. Wet wipes or flushable wipes claiming “safe for flushing” can still cause serious damage to your home’s plumbing even before reaching the District facilities. Once beyond your home’s plumbing, wipes and paper towels can get caught in lift stations and solid waste grinders intended to break down large waste and push it to the wastewater treatment plant.

Should the wipes make it to the sewage treatment plant, the facilities could be overworked trying to process solid waste that does not break down in transit or at lift stations. The result of flushing these products could mean major wastewater treatment issues and impacts to the machinery processing inbound waste. The accumulation of these “flushable items” hinders the productivity of the plant result in a cost for removal and machinery repairs ranging into thousands of dollars to the District, cost which is ultimately funded by taxpayers. By flushing any products other than toilet paper, we can not only create inconveniences in services but also incur very costly repairs.

Please avoid flushing wipes and other non-biodegradable items such as tissues, paper towels, or “flushable wipes”. If you do decide to use these products, consider throwing them in the trash or taking them to a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility in your area. By following these recommendations, residents can help minimize the cost and environmental impact of clogged sewer systems.

Below, please review the video produced by the Association of Water Board Directors (AWBD) here in Texas, which addresses this very topic:

Your neighbors might not know this information! Share this to social media. 

FBMUD 128 – Spring Break Vacation Watch

Spring Break is a prime time for vacations. Unfortunately, it is also a prime time for residential burglaries. This is due to lawbreakers preying on traveling families and homes that seem to be empty for extended periods of time.

Set up a Vacation Watch with Fort Bend Constable office so they can monitor your home while you are out of town.

The link provided below will guide you through the set-up process:

Notification of Free-chlorine Conversion for PWS 0790005

February 23, 2024

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Water Supply Division
P.O. Box 13087 MC-155
Austin, TX 78711-3087

Public Drinking Water staff,

The City of Sugar Land public water system, (PWS) ID 0790005, will temporarily convert the disinfectant used in the water treatment process from chloramine to free chlorine. The conversion will begin on March 26, 2024 and continue till April 23, 2024.

Please see below for name, title, and phone of PWS contact.

The City of Sugar Land water system, PWS 0790005, supplies treated water to Fort Bend County MUD 128, PWS 0790498.

The City of Sugar Land has chosen to implement a temporary disinfectant conversion to free chlorine to control nitrification and protect the City of Sugar Land’s long term drinking water quality.


John Bailey
Surface Water Plant Manager
City of Sugar Land

Protecting Our Waterways: How Fort Bend MUD 128 Residents Can Combat Stormwater Pollution

Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 128 (FB MUD 128) wants residents to understand how stormwater runoff can carry harmful chemicals and substances into the environment and infrastructure and how residents can help protect the environment from its harmful effects.

Stormwater runoff is rainwater or melted snow that flows over land or impervious surfaces and is directed via development infrastructure to deposit into storm drains, drainage ditches, and/or directly into local waterways.

It can become harmful to the environment and District infrastructure when pollutants such as oil, grease, fertilizers, motor oil, detergents, trash, and other debris are introduced to the storm water system.

Common contaminants picked up by stormwater when passing through resident yards and structures include lawn clippings, leaves, pet waste, and/or household chemicals.

Blowing, sweeping, or disposing of grass clippings down the storm drain can be a violation of the District’s rate order and the federal Clean Water Act.

Residents can help protect the local environment and infrastructure downstream from the harmful effects of contaminates entering stormwater runoff by ensuring that storm drains are free from debris and pollutants.

If residents notice a blocked storm drain or see someone dumping pollutants near a storm drain, they should immediately contact their District operator, Si Environmental.

Watch this informational video produced by the Association of Water Board Directors to learn more:

Winterizing Your Home

How do you winterize your home? Protecting your home can be as easy as remembering the Five P’s for the winter. People, Pets, Pipes, Plants, and Pool. Making sure everyone in your family is safe from the cold including our furry family members. It is important family and friends follow this guide to stay safe during the winter.


During cold snaps it’s important to remember to cover your head and extremities as they are the most likely to suffer from the cold. Keep your home warm and comfortable, and if you have two stories, follow the heat and be smart about warm and cold zones. Avoid going outside when possible, and keep appropriate extra clothing with you if you need to go outside.


Bring pets indoors! If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pet! Pets are smaller than us and have less overall body heat, therefore are more likely to succumb to hypothermia despite their fur. Bundle your dog or cat in sweaters and add extra blankets to their bed. Insulate the outdoor pet areas and create warm areas for your dog or cat.


When water freezes, it expands and can cause broken pipes and result in costly bills from the lost water. Open kitchen cabinets and bathroom sinks to allow warm air to reach the pipes. This can help prevent pipes from freezing and causing damage that leads to costly repairs. Disconnect drain hoses from outdoor spigots. Home improvement stores usually offer protective coverings for outdoor pipes. If you have an irrigation system, make sure your lines are cleared of water. Most irrigation specialists offer a blowout service to clear the line of standing water to ensure the prevention of costly damage.

Irrigation shut off valves and backflow devices often cause the most common issues during a hard freeze. Not all irrigation systems are the same. On most common irrigation systems, these steps may be taken:

  1. Turn off the shut-off valve. Most residential devices have two shut-off valves. These are typically covered in blue on the valve handles and located before and after the back flow device.
  2. Release the water pressure, with a screwdriver release the water from the bleeder valves (circled in black on the image). The bleeder valves are usually located under the top of the backflow device. If the water does not stop flowing, you may not have shut the valves off completely.
  3. Leave the smaller bleeder valve open, this will let the any remaining water in the line expand without breaking the device.


Insulating, fertilizing, and watering are the best ways to prepare your plants for winter cold snaps. Cover large plants with sheets to protect and insulate them from the cold and insulate the roots with fallen leaves or bark. Use fertilizer designed for cold weather to nourish your plants, and water plants a couple times a week to prepare them for cold season. Cold plants don’t always need as much water as they do in the summer, so keep an eye on soil moisture levels during the winter just as you would the summer.


Running the pumps 24/7 is an important step in keeping the water circulating and preventing freezing. Frequently clean debris from the skimmer and talk with your pool specialist about winterizing and any chemical alterations that may be required for your pool.

Extra Safety Tips:

  • Always keep your gas tanks full.
  • Check tire pressures and ensure they are at the right pressure.
  • Always keep blankets, jumper cables, and a phone charger in the car in case of emergency.
  • Check local road conditions at State highway information is also available at
  • Never leave a space heater unattended.
  • Don’t overload outlets or breakers.
  • Do not power space heaters with extension cords or power strips.
  • Do not leave candles or the fireplace burning unattended.
  • Always turn off space heaters when unattended or going to sleep.
  • Never use an oven or stove to keep your home warm.

Happy Holidays!

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Home Safety Tips for Resident Holiday Travel

Holidays are a prime time for vacations. Unfortunately, it is also a prime time for residential burglaries. This is due to lawbreakers preying on traveling families and homes that seem to be empty for extended periods of time.

Below are some helpful ideas to protect your home and deter criminals:

  • Set up home security cameras with motion sensors and bright lighting. Set these up with random timers to keep thieves from detecting a pattern.
  • Keep the exterior of your home clear with open spaces.
  • Get to know your neighbors. Neighbors are much more likely to notice suspicious activity within the neighborhood and report it.
  • Put your mail on hold with USPS Hold Mail. This will keep your confidential information in a safe place till you return (for up to 30 days).

  • Set up a Vacation Watch with Fort Bend Constable office so they can monitor your home while you are out of town.

The link provided below will guide you through the set-up process:

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Fighting F.O.G. – Protecting Our Homes, Environment, and Budget from Fat, Oil, and Grease

Many Fort Bend MUD 128 residents have been cooking at home far more than they had previously, and this comes with a certain amount of cooking waste. Something we don’t normally think about are the effects of fat, oils, and grease (F.O.G.) clogs in the sanitary sewer system. F.O.G. can solidify in the sanitary sewer pipes, causing clogs, blockages, and backups.

What is F.O.G. (pronounced like “fog”)?

F.O.G. is an acronym for Fat, Oil and Grease.  It is harmful to the internal drainage inside the home, the District drainage infrastructure and the environment.

F.O.G. comes from a variety of food sources, either as an ingredient of OR a byproduct of food preparation.

Examples of F.O.G.:

  • Fats found in meats through cooking and food scraps.
  • cooking oil, lard or shortening
  • butter or margarine
  • bacon and sausage grease
  • mayonnaise
  • salad dressing and gravy
  • dairy products, such as but not limited to milk, yogurt and cheese

When these items are poured down the drain, it can accumulate and harden inside sewer pipes causing blockages, backups, and overflows.  When these failures occur, it can release raw sewage into the environment which then enters our drainage channels that lead into the bayous, creeks, lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico. This raw sewage carries a variety of bacteria that has a negative impact on human health, fish and wildlife.

In addition to the health impacts, it has massive financial consequences. The blockages and backups can destroy the pipes in your home as well as the infrastructure of the District water system.  This destruction can cost homeowners in home pipe repair, but also affect taxpayers by costing a district thousands of dollars in infrastructure repair expenses. The expense of continually repairing clogged pipes may ultimately impact customers’ monthly rates or property taxes.

Let F.O.G .cool and DO NOT pour down sinks or drains!

Proper Disposal of F.O.G.:

  • Pour into a sealable can or bottle then dispose at a local recycle center or household trash receptacle
  • Scrape food particles and absorb excess oils with a paper towel from pots and pans prior to placing them into the sink for washing.
  • Use strainers in the sink to catch scraps and other solids.
  • Solutions like Oil-Dri Absorbent Clay® or cat litter can assist in capturing and drying out oil, fat and grease, thus making it safe to throw in the trash.

Please remember hot water and soap DO NOT eliminate FOG because it will eventually reform in pipes.
